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America’s IPA Supply Completely Depleted!

We knew that people would be into celebrating yesterday's IPA Day - but we don't think that anyone saw this coming. Reports started surfacing just after midnight last night, that the response to 2015's IPA Day had been massive and that the nation's IPA supply lines, at least for now, had been decimated!

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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – August 7, 2015

Hey the work week is over... And it's time to start thinking fun. Well good, because we're all about it and we've got all kinds of ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivalsmovies and music to cutting edge TV - we've got your back big-time.  Plus we've a special weekend beer pick for you too, because we know you'll be drinking!

So welcome to our awesome Weekend Picks.


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3 DC Beer Week Events That You Don’t Want To Miss


ACB's home is in the nation's capital and DC Beer Week, which kicks off this weekend, is a favorite time of year for us. Now in its seventh year, this week of festivities just keeps getting better and better - and with so much to do that one needs to be strategic.

And here're three marquee events that we're not missing.


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The American Craft Beer Rumor Mill – August 5, 2015

We can't believe it's August already...So much has happened this year and it doesn't appear that things will be slowing down any time soon. But no worries - Rumor Mill is always on the case, keeping you plugged in to all the craft beer news that matters. Plus we've an all-important update on what we've been drinking lately and you absolutely don't want to miss that.

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American Craft Beer Newswire

ACB covers craft beer news, entertainment and lifestyle 24/7, and we'd like to think we do a decent job. But there's a lot of great craft beer journalism out there - and were constantly running into articles that we wished that we'd written. 

So welcome to another ACB Newswire - recent articles that we've enjoyed - and thought you might as well.

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Newbies – 5 New Craft Beers You Need To Check Out

So many beers- So little time... New takes on classic traditions define this week's newbies and we've a number interesting new offerings that you'll want to chase down...Plus we've some new releases from Dogfish Head and Summit Brewing that sound serious as well.

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The American Craft Beer Quick Hits – August 3, 2015

We blame the industry for this... It used to be that when we wrapped up our Weekend Picks on Friday, we could coast through the weekend. There was little need to check in for updates - things were pretty much done. But clearly all that's changed.

So here's some of what's happened in the world of craft beer while you were off enjoying yourselves.

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The American Craft Beer Friday Wrap-Up

Hey we get it.  You're busy and you can't possibly hang with us 24/7. But still, we don't want you to be missing all the good stuff. So as part of our ongoing commitment to bringing you the best craft beer and lifestyle coverage on the face of the planet - and to keep you plugged into our ongoing recklessness - we do a weekly compilation of our recent good, bad and ugly.

So welcome to another Friday Wrap-Up

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The American Craft Beer Weekend Picks – July 31, 2015

Hey the work week is over... And it's time to start thinking fun. Well good, because we're all about it and we've got all kinds of ideas for you. From the nation's coolest beer festivals, movies and music to cutting edge TV - we've got your back big-time.  Plus we've a special weekend beer pick for you too, because we know you'll be drinking!

So welcome to our awesome Weekend Picks

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Drinking Imports With 5 Great New Zealand Brewers

One thing is for certain, there's always a plethora of great beers from the Pacific Northwest beers to try at the Oregon Brewers Festival each year - but what about the international ones? Didn't get a chance to try?  Well, the Kiwis had us covered this year and didn't disappoint.

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