Hey it’s Wednesday and it’s Rumor Mill Time…..New Belgium Brewing has just announced the return of their “so cool” craft beer and film festival, “Clips,” and we’ll be giving you everything that we know so far. Plus we’ve got some fast-breaking craft beer news from our friends at the Boston Beer Company, as well as from Australian “rock gods” AC/DC. We’re also throwing in a hot new release that you’ve got to get your hands on! So fasten your seatbelts everybody….THIS WEEK’S RUMOR MILL IS ON!
Breaking News -Texas Legislators Consider Doing the Right Thing! (Statewide, TX) – In what many see as a shocking departure from form, Texas legislators are considering a series of bills that might actually benefit its citizens as well as the state’s “craft beer community.” One bill would “allow restaurants with in-house brewing facilities to package their beer for sale in retail stores” reports Yahoo.com, and another “would allow beer to be sold for consumption on the premises during tours of small breweries, such as New Republic in College Station, Real Ale in Blanco, and St. Arnold’s in Houston.”
The BA Adds Two New Styles in 2013 (Boulder, CO) – The Brewers Association compiles a list of beer styles that they update annually, and this year, they’ve added two “newbies” – Adambier and Grätzer styles. In addition to BA’s list, we suggest that our readers check in with American Craft Beer’s “What The Hell Is…” series, which also covers beer styles and has too much fun doing it. Our beer style list is way less academic, but it does allow for reoccurring styles like “Piss-Poor” beer and the newly popular “Gangnam Style.”
New Belgium’s Clips Returns (Ft. Collins, CO) – New Belgium Brewing is once again taking its beer-toting, film-traveling, nonprofit-benefiting show on the road and they just may be coming to a city near you! Clips is a national beer and film festival where guests can try beers from New Belgium’s Lips of Faith series, along with some popular classics, and screen short films made by New Belgium fans. While you sit under the stars and sip beers, the proceeds benefit a local nonprofit at each stop. This year marks the fourth season for Clips, which has raised more than $200,000 for nonprofits nationwide. Five new cities are joining the 2013 tour: Grand Rapids, MI; Colorado Springs, CO; Charlottesville, VA; Milwaukee, WI; and Austin, TX.
AC/DC Rocks the Beer World (Berlin, Germany) – It does strike us as more than vaguely Teutonic that Australian hard rock band, AC/DC, would roll-out an official beer in Germany. Described as German beer/ Australian Hardrock lager that fires up your tongue like TNT, it’s brewed in accordance with the Rock`n Roll manifesto of 1973 and the German purity law of 1516.
Boston Beer Ups its Support of Alchemy and Science (Boston, MA) – The Boston Beer Company, which initially spent $3 to $5 million on their new incubator – Alchemy & Science – during its first year, is now saying that they will be doubling their annual allocation, according to the Boston Business Journal. Boston Beer executives acknowledge that there’s no guarantee that the minimal revenue from this venture will cover these expenses, or that the costs won’t increase again.
A New Release You Want to Look Out For
Jester King Craft Brewery has just announced its newest beer – Salt Lick Pecan Wood Smoked Saison – and we’re pretty damn psyched about it. Brewed in collaboration with the The Salt Lick BBQ in nearby Driftwood, Texas, Salt Lick draws its inspiration from what they imagine beer would have tasted like in centuries past. Prior to the advent of modern malting techniques, grains were typically kilned dry over wood fires during the malting process, and beers brewed then would have likely contained at least a small portion of what’s now regarded as wild yeast. A very limited number of kegs will be released at locations throughout Texas over the next several weeks, followed by a much wider bottle release.