Most Popular ‘Trashy Beer’ Ranking

, Most Popular ‘Trashy Beer’ Ranking

(Courtesy Workshopedia)

Rankings like this turn up from time to time, but we have to admit, the term ‘trashy beer’ seems a bit harsh.

Here’s the deal…

Workshopedia is online resource that’s all about home fixup projects and reviews the kinds of products you might in your workshop. What it doesn’t traditionally do is rank beer, but they did recently.

Noting that “craft beer isn’t for everyone” the company decided to rank what they called ‘trashy beers’. And to determine the trashiest beers in the country, Workshopedia turned to Google.

It started with a list of 36 popular beers and reviewed Google Trends search interest over the last 12 months for each of the 50 US states and the District of Columbia.

And since most of these beers are produced by big beer companies, and many of them the bestselling brands in the country, we have to admit that their ‘trashy beer’ ranking might even trouble consumers that are primarily craft beer fans.

, Most Popular ‘Trashy Beer’ Ranking

(Courtesy Workshopedia)

While some might consider Natty Light, which owns the rankings #1 position, a ‘trashy beer’ we’d suggest that judgement is more about the brand’s association with massive college parties than the beer itself.

And Michelob Ultra (#2) a trash beer, really? Then explain why it’s the fastest growing beer brand in the United States by share and the No. 2 beer in the industry by dollar sales. So this isn’t about pricing, right?

So if it’s not about price, it’s got to be about taste, but we suspect that many of the nation’s craft brewers have a begrudging respect for beers like Budweiser and Michelob Ultra. Sure they’re mass-market products, but that doesn’t they aren’t efficiently made products, especially at that scale.

And ironically all the ‘trashy beers’ in Workshopedia Top 10 ranking have a huge following. Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Lite and Budweiser are the bestselling beer brands in America, so somebody likes them, including some craft beer fans.

So maybe our problem with this ‘trashy beer’ ranking is the word ‘trashy. itself, which is interchangeable with the word garbage.

Would Workshopedia have dared put out a ‘garbage beer’ ranking?

We think not, but it is what it is…


(All image credits: Workshopedia)

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