‘Make Peace Not War’ Craft Beer Campaign Launched

, ‘Make Peace Not War’ Craft Beer Campaign Launched

Three creative groups from across the craft brew industry have launched a special world peace campaign that spreads a message of hope through, of all things, beer labels.

“Make Peace Not War” is a customizable beer label design that craft breweries can adopt for use with their own beverages – while raising much-needed funds for Ukraine relief efforts.

Starting now, craft breweries across the country are invited to customize the Make Peace Not War label template, a design conceived and produced by Jen Borror, an award winning illustration artist and graphic designer who owns Hoot Design Studio in York, PA.

Brewers are invited to add the name of the beer, logo, and beer style to the label and then distribute their product as a special limited edition selection.

“I felt so helpless the day after Russia invaded Ukraine,” explains Jen Borror, who came up with the idea for the campaign. “I knew I had to do something, so I posted a design to my Instagram account and the response was tremendous and encouraging. From there it just took off.”

, ‘Make Peace Not War’ Craft Beer Campaign Launched

(Courtesy Hoot Design Studio}

Dennis and Sammie Guy, co-founders of First Sip Brew Box, a monthly craft beer subscription box service, saw Jen Borror’s label art and wanted to get involved. “Inspired by Jen’s label, we designed an exclusive Make Peace Not War First Sip Brew Box,” said Dennis Guy. “It’s a limited edition run for those beer lovers who want to support the cause even further.”

Jackie DiBella-Curry, account manager of EGC Group’s Craft Beverage Division and Co-founder of the Craft Beer Marketing Awards, also saw the power and impact the beer label could have and got to work promoting the campaign to the organization’s network of craft breweries.

“Beer has the power to bring people together,” said Jackie DiBella-Curry, “And while beer and art might not be able to save the world, we’re hoping breweries small and large will join forces and use this label to raise awareness about the importance of peace in our lives.”

Temporary use of the copyrighted label is entirely free.  And since this is a no-recipe collaboration, breweries can use the label art on any of their existing brews and are be able to add their logo and beer name.

All the campaign organizers ask is that the craft brewery that uses the design donates at least 10% of their sales proceeds from the Make Peace Not War beer to a charity that’s providing relief to those affected by the crisis in Ukraine.


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