Hemp Beer Kits To Enter The Homebrewing Market

, Hemp Beer Kits To Enter The Homebrewing Market

In yet another sign of the growing synergy between cannabis products and the beer industry, a publicly traded corporation that also specializes in the emerging cannabis sector has announced that they are getting into the homebrewing biz.

Here’s the deal….

, Hemp Beer Kits To Enter The Homebrewing MarketCosta Mesa, California-based Sipp Industries has partnered with Craft A Brew, an online homebrewing supplier, to produce what may be the first commercial hemp homebrewing kit.

Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Major Hemp, the company has developed a beer that is currently available primarily on tap in Colorado. Major Hemp Brown Ale is brewed using a hemp powder and like New Belgium’s The Hemperor it doesn’t contain THC, the psychoactive compound in cannabis that gets you pot high.

Sipp Industries who under the Major Hemp banner have become a ‘major’ supplier of high quality and competitively priced hemp based products and they see their entrance into the homebrewing market as a timely extension of their hemp beer brand…

This from Major Hemp President Ted Jorgensen…

“Our Major Hemp beer kits are a game changer and will not only open up revenue opportunities in a growing segment of homebrewing but also elevate the awareness of hemp beer and our flagship brew, Major Hemp Brown Ale.  We will aggressively market and sell our beer kits with Craft a Brew, which is an immediate revenue stream, as well as targeting B2B where we feel there is a huge market for hemp beer kits.” 

According to The American Homebrewers Association there are currently more than1.2 million people that brew their own beer in the United States… and 40% of them started brewing in the last four years.

, Hemp Beer Kits To Enter The Homebrewing MarketIn conjunction with the online sales launch at Craft a Brew, Sipp Industries also plans to market Major Hemp beer kits on various platforms such as Amazon and EBay.

Sipp Industries will also market business-to-business targeting retail stores and distribution channels where there is growing demand for beer kits.

One of the largest homebrew suppliers in the country the Orlando, Florida-based Craft a Brew sells to hundreds of independent homebrew stores and multiple recognizable national retail chains.

And he companies have come to terms on an agreement where Major Hemp beer kits will be featured on Craft A Brew’s website as soon as the kits are produced next month.

Pot Beer Image Credit: Mitchell Maglio

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