SXSW Interactive (the tech side of what was once primarily a music and arts convention) is currently taking place in Austin, and apparently Budweiser used the forum to announce that they are exploring ways to brew beer on the Red Planet.
Hey, why not? Somebody needs to be thinking about that.
Anheuser-Busch, who apparently will stop at nothing to spread Budweiser’s Intergalactic ethos, took the opportunity to sponsor a forum over the weekend at a SXSW gathering, to discuss the future of socialization in space (Yes!) and talk beer on Mars (even better).
Things got cosmic…
Hollywood Actress, Kate Mara, who starred in The Martian, (we can’t even imagine the kinda bucks that were spent to bring her in!) moderated a panel of experts that included retired astronaut Clayton Anderson (dude’s gotta know space) and Patrick O’Neill of CASIS, along with Ricardo Marques, VP of Budweiser.
The Saturday afternoon BEER-FUELED discussion touched on overcoming the inherent problems of brewing beer in an environment that’s absent gravity and doesn’t have Matt Damon on the ground to “science the shit out of things.”
Val Toothman, Anheuser-Busch’s VP of marketing innovation was also on hand to outline some the “micro-gravity” experiments and research that the company is currently engaged in to further their planetary ambitions.
And did we mention that there was FREE BEER?
And that KATE MARA was there?
“Bud on Mars” banner credit: Anheuser-Busch