Beer Alert – New Imperial Seasonals, Dark Wheat Ales And Juicy IPA’s

, Beer Alert – New Imperial Seasonals, Dark Wheat Ales And Juicy IPA’s

Things stay seasonal in our latest collection of new releases…And we’ve five autumnal craft beer directions that you’re going to want to chase down.

Black And Brew (Athens, GA) – On October 13th, Creature Comforts will be releasing its newest Wood Cellar and Locally Grown release. Aged in French oak for more than a year and then conditioned on top of organic black raspberries with black currants, Creature Comforts River Ridge Black is an 8% ABV Dark Ale groomed with locally grown fruit.

Citrusy And Celestial (Austin, TX) – Under a new generation of leadership Celis Brewery, known for its Belgian-style beers, is crafting more IPA variations than ever before including their newest take on America’s current stylistic champion, the New England IPA. Fragrant, floral and lingering, Celis Juicy IPA is a 7% ABV New England-style India Pale Ale with a frothy, paper-white head and a citrusy lacing throughout.

, Beer Alert – New Imperial Seasonals, Dark Wheat Ales And Juicy IPA’sDunk This! (Boston, MA) – The Boston Beer Company has just returned something Bavarian that’s exclusive to this season’s Samuel Adams Craft Can Variety Pack. Samuel Adams Dunkelweizen is a 5.1% ABV Dark Wheat Ale with a history that dates back to the 15th century.

Winter’s Coming (Baltimore, MD) – Heavy Seas Beer just returned a popular ‘fall to winter’ seasonal and it’s serious. The brewery’s first international gold medal winning beer and a bit of a stylistic rarity to begin with, Heavy Seas Winter Storm is a 7.5% ABV Imperial ESB (Extra Special Bitter) with an earthy hop nose and a sturdy malt backbone.

Berry Piney (Hood River, OR) – Oregon’s pFriem Family Brewers has a new fall release that ups the ante on the American Pale Ale style first introduced by Sierra Nevada’s Ken Grossman almost 37 years ago… Stronger, hoppier and more aromatic than is the tradition, pFriem Extra Pale is a 6.5% ABV fall seasonal that straddles the line between the American and the India Pale Ale.

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