ACB covers craft beer news, entertainment and lifestyle 24/7, and we’d like to think we do a decent job. But there’s a lot of great craft beer journalism out there – and here some recent beer articles that you might want to check out…
Lines Grow Nationwide For Special Releases
Brooklyn boy and one of craft beer’s most accomplished writers, Joshua M Bernstein, recently took to the New York Times to chronicle the “event beer” phenomenon – you know these “almost to popular” special releases that passionate fan’s camp out for.
It’s an amazing trend that’s unfortunately causing many breweries to rethink things and it’s according to Josh it’s happening nationwide…
And it’s not these kinds of things haven’t been going on for a while now…
If You Build It They will Come
The success of the craft beer has led to all kinds of fledgling businesses that support it. Hobbies find new meaning and startups are born.
A decade ago a Eugene, Oregon resident Aaron Keeney, fused his welding talents with his considerable love for brewing and gave birth to a business that is very in-demand nowadays.
Keeney’s Synergy Brewing Systems makes stainless steel beer-making equipment for home-based and commercial brewers and you read about his surprising journey in…
Hollywood Art Director Crafts Beer Labels For Jolly Pumpkin
We love craft beer label art here at ACB and think it’s fun and almost as important as what’s in the bottle.
But there’s a Hollywood professional who’s also a “gentleman artist” and he’s been designing beer labels for Michigan’s Jolly Pumpkin Ales that could as easily be on display in art museums as on a craft beer bottle.
Adam Forman is a renaissance man and he’s the guy responsible for…