Anheuser-Busch InBev Launches Artificial Intelligence Beer

, Anheuser-Busch InBev Launches Artificial Intelligence Beer

(Courtesy Beck’s / Anheuser-Busch)

What started as a one-off has become an uber-hot brewing trend, and now the world’s biggest brewer will soon be releasing a Beck’s beer that was entirely designed by artificial intelligence.

Here’s the deal….

Science Fiction novels have been predicting it for years, that robots were going to take over the world. Well it hasn’t come to that yet, but maybe using artificial intelligence to come up with a new beer is a start.

In January, Atwater Brewing in Detroit released Artificial Intelligence IPA, a 6.9% ABV India Pale Ale made with Centennial, Citra, Amarillo and Hüll Melon hops, whose recipe was created by ChatGPT, an open-source artificial-intelligence chatbot that’s currently available for anyone to try out for free.

Soon other craft breweries were taking advantage of the open-source resource and letting artificial intelligence sites to design new beers for them.

, Anheuser-Busch InBev Launches Artificial Intelligence Beer

And now Beck’s (which is owned by  AB InBev) is celebrating it’s 150 year history by producing the world’s first beer and full marketing campaign entirely made by AI, Beck’s Autonomous.  That’s right, artificial intelligence designed the beer’s recipe, came up with its name as well as a complete marketing campaign and imaging.

With the ability to develop complex and interesting flavors at lightning speed, Beck’s gave AI the challenge of creating the experimental recipe. Drawn from millions of different flavor combinations, the final beer is a 5% ABV Pilsner which will become available in a Terminator-like hybrid container that’s half glass, and half aluminum which was also designed by AI.

, Anheuser-Busch InBev Launches Artificial Intelligence Beer“We’re embracing this new technology and harnessing the potential of AI to drive forward innovation and creativity within the beer world,”  Beck’s marketing director, Laura Salway told the Drinks Business. ““We’ve always been at the cutting edge of innovation in the beer world” and described how the company was “thrilled to be releasing a limited-edition beer and marketing campaign made by AI.”

“AI created a recipe that uses local German produce and 100% natural ingredients,” Salway added…

At this point this experimental release will not be available to the public, but beer fans in the UK, Germany and Italy can sign up at Beck’s special Autonomous site for a chance to get their hands on a container of Beck’s Autonomous starting on April 12.

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