Bell’s Brewery, home to one of the most popular beers in the nation, Two-Hearted Ale, has launched an inspired initiative and they’ll be donating at least $480,000 to non-profits in 2022.
And here’s why…
At a time of historic division and distrust, the Michigan-based brewery has committed to a program inspired by the belief that business and beer are powerful tools that can help bridge differences.
That business and beer can join forces to inspire action from a place of shared values and shared responsibility.
That business and beer can strengthen communities…
Bell’s Inspired Giving program is a key tenant of the brewery’s philosophy, and it’s designed to benefit the communities where people enjoy our beer.
This initiative couldn’t be simpler… Going forward the brewery will donate $1 for every 1 barrel of beer sold. Bell’s philanthropic giving grows as its business grows.
The Bell’s Grassroots Grant program will grow and evolve to offer funding to even more areas of need over time. The brewery’s immediate goal is to improve the health of the natural environment and inspire others to embrace sustainability practices.
Bell’s stands solid in its commitment to challenging the powerful forces seeking to tear communities apart, and the brewery is unwavering in its promise to be responsible stewards of the environment, to preserve resources for generations to come.
In 2022, Bell’s plans to donate $480,000 to Michigan non-profits, including $100,000 to clean water and the brewery will not be supporting organizations which discriminate against people. Period.
Through direct giving and cause-rooted beer releases, Bell’s is already cultivating charitable relationships in its hometowns across Michigan: Kalamazoo, Comstock, and Escanaba.
And the brewery has plans to broaden its grant program to include communities across the nation where our beer is sold (that’s 43 states!).
In 2021, Bell’s Brewery, one of America’s most successful craft beer producers sold its entire operation to the Kirin-owned Australian beer giant, Lion that purchased New Belgium Brewing in 2019.
(All image credits: Bell’s Brewery)