SOS Beer Labels Look To Recruit Poll Workers In Kentucky

, SOS Beer Labels Look To Recruit Poll Workers In Kentucky

On September 2, which happens to be National Poll Worker Recruitment Dan (who knew?), Kentucky’s Secretary of State Michael Adams announced a new beer label initiative to promote poll worker recruitment and voter registration.

, SOS Beer Labels Look To Recruit Poll Workers In Kentucky

Kentucky Secretary of State Michael Adams

According to Adam’s there is a critical need for poll workers as Kentucky heads toward November’s general election.

A normal election requires 15,000 poll workers in Kentucky. But thanks to the coronavirus, which targets the older demographics who are historically more likely to help out at polling stations, there is a greater need than ever before for a new generation to lend a hand.

The impact of COVID-19 on polling volunteers has already impacted Kentucky’s primaries where many voting precincts were unable to open because there were not enough poll workers to man them.

Responding to a potential poll worker crisis, the Secretary of State’s Office formed a partnership with the Kentucky Guild of Brewers to help get the word out.

Together they designed beer labels that solicit volunteers to work the polls and encourage Kentuckians to register to vote. The labels have QR codes directing to where beer fans can register to vote and apply to be poll workers.

Last year I testified to the legislature that we had a poll worker crisis in Kentucky,” Adams said. “COVID-19 certainly hasn’t helped. We need younger generations to step up and be good citizens, and so we enlisted the help of Kentucky’s craft breweries to reach them.”

, SOS Beer Labels Look To Recruit Poll Workers In KentuckyThe Kentucky’s  SOS From Your SOS beer label recruitment campaign is now being supported by four Kentucky craft breweries…Newport’s Wooden Cask Brewery, Louisville’s Monnik Beer, Lexington’s Pivot Brewing and Richmond-based Dreaming Creek Brewery.

“When we are asked to help the Secretary of State with the ‘SOS From Your SOS’ project, Dreaming Creek jumped at the chance,” said Charley Hamilton, owner of Dreaming Creek Brewery…

“We along with several other microbreweries around the Commonwealth were eager to help support the initiative by getting custom labels to help promote and make the information easily accessible through QR codes.’

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