Love us or hate us… No really, which one is it?

It could be really easy to just continue on course, writing up articles about beer, posting brewery information, and giving you all the latest information on upcoming events. It would be easy for us to just drive straight ahead with our 2 pieces a day, and then look at statistics to see what was working.

But it would be short-sighted of us to not ask you for your feedback. Let’s face it; all of us at ACB are essentially suffering from youngest child syndrome: we need constant approval. Why won’t you help us out?

We want our brand to be what you want.

We want our site to reflect your needs.

We want what we provide you to matter to you.

This is why we have this brand-new, industry leading, disruptively innovative, streamlined, globalized, completely anonymous, and customer-empowered survey. (Did we fit enough buzzwords in there?) Please take our survey. We will make this a yearly thing, we swear. We will ask you what you want, we will match it to our strategy, and then we will adjust our course to better fit your expectations. Why? Because we freaking can.

Take our yearly survey. Or don’t. But we think you should.

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